Fire Shrimp

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The Blood Red Fire Shrimp, also known as Blood Shrimp, Fire Shrimp, or Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp, is one of the most popular shrimp in the aquarium hobby. It has a blood-red body with white spots and long white antennae.

Depending on which region of the Indo-Pacific from which it originates, it may have the white dots just on its carapace, or covering its entire body. The Blood Red Fire Shrimp prefers a habitat providing it with a cave or overhang where the lighting is not too intense. While it will tolerate its mate, others of its own kind will be chased away or harassed. It is generally peaceful with most other organisms in the reef system unless they impinge on its territory.

As a "cleaner shrimp," it will set up cleaning stations and remove dead tissue and parasites from fish that present themselves. It will also scavenge for meaty bits along the substrate bottom. Often, only its antennae will be visible. It will not tolerate copper or high levels of nitrates in the aquarium, but will require correct levels of iodine in the water to promote proper molting. The diet of the Blood Red Fire Shrimp should include freeze-dried, live or frozen foods, and flaked foods.

Fire Shrimp, Lysmata Debelius, Marine Critters available at the best price to buy now at Kraken Corals & Aquatics
More Information
Brand Marine Critters
Drop Ship No
Origin Indonesia
Latin Name Lysmata Debelius
Tank Size Nano
Temperament Peaceful
Reef Safe Reef Safe
Care Level Easy

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