Molly Miller Blenny



Currently unavailable in our shop but available from our supplier. Expected delivery Tue 25th Mar to Thu 03rd Apr (may vary)


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This item is currently unavailable. Please check back regularly as our livestock stock changes regularly.

The Molly Miller Blenny, also known as the Combtooth Blenny, originates in the Caribbean Ocean. Its color is a mottled tan, white and black covering the body and fins. The head of this fish is covered with short hair-like appendages and has two very large eyes.
A well-established 30-gallon or larger aquarium with multiple hiding places and plenty of live rock is a suitable environment. The live rock provides places to hunt and feed on small crustaceans and algae as well as places to hide. It is not usually aggressive unless the tank mates appear to have a similar shape as it does.

The diet should include meaty items such as finely chopped crustacean flesh, vitamin enriched frozen brine and mysis shrimp. If insufficient algae is present in the aquarium, the diet should be supplemented with a quality dried seaweed.

Molly Miller Blenny, Scartella cristata, Marine Fish available at the best price to buy now at Kraken Corals & Aquatics
More Information
Brand Marine Fish
Drop Ship No
Latin Name Scartella cristata
Tank Size Medium
Temperament Peaceful
Reef Safe Reef Safe
Care Level Moderate

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