Marine fish, swimming around an aquarium are beautiful creatures, and much like any other animal, have inspired countless people to buy and take care of them.

However, taking care of an aquarium requires a lot more consideration with every aspect of caring for marine life, effectively creating a small ecosystem that allows the fish to thrive in their new environment,

Here are three factors to consider before starting with your aquarium.


Choosing Your Fish

Different fish in the wild rely on different conditions to survive, so when choosing which fish to have in your aquarium is a major decision. It will decide the equipment, whether you will need additional live rock or coral and which other fish will be able to live in those conditions.



Once you have an idea of which fish you want in your tank, the next step is to provide them with the ideal conditions to thrive and survive. Along with the tank, you will need several other pieces of equipment to ensure your fish are healthy.

This includes an Ecotech Marine pump, filtration equipment, lighting to simulate a day/night cycle and a heater to maintain the tropical water conditions most marine life desires.


Water Conditions

Water is a major consideration when it comes to a marine aquarium because fish are exceptionally sensitive to certain conditions. There are a few chemical indicators of healthy water for fish, such as pH level and salinity.

One important note to bear in mind is that smaller tanks are harder to maintain because marine fish rely on particular water chemistry to survive, which can change more rapidly if there is less water. This typically means that water needs to be changed more often.