Keeping Clownfish in the home aquarium & what are 'designer' clownfish?

When we talk about marine aquariums, most people immediately remember Clownfish. Colourful, available in different patterns, easy to care for, and with a very interesting behaviour, this species has become one of the most famous ornamental fish in the world.
Some children's movies and documentaries have contributed greatly to the popularity of Clownfish, to the point that some people call the species Nemo Fish. As much as this popularity helps spreading the hobby and draw attention to the conservation of the species, all this fame has a negative side. Many people acquire the animal, without having the slightest knowledge of how to care for the species, and even how to care for an aquarium.
In this article, we will talk about keeping a Clownfish in a home aquarium, and some 'designer' clownfish types.
The Clownfish
Before being present in the movies and television, the Clownfish already had indisputable popularity among underwater photographers and documentarians, who are enchanted by the grace of its way of swimming and the vivid colours of its body, which vary from orange, red, black, yellow, and pink. In addition to its beauty, seeing these fish swimming between the anemone tentacles is fascinating.
Most of these fish have stripes or contoured blemishes, whose shape resembles the painted face of a clown, and which gave rise to their name. From a commercial point of view, it is one of the most important marine ornamental species, both in terms of extractive and rearing aspects, since it exceeds the market demand for all ornamental marine fish in the world.
There are over 25 species called clownfish. Among the most common in domestic aquariums, there are three main types: Amphiprion percula, Amphiprion ocellaris, and hybrids of these two species. They are animals from the western Pacific and Indian oceans. Fortunately, these fish are not considered endangered species.
These fish live in warm and shallow waters, living in symbiosis with anemones. This symbioses happens because the clownfish are protected by the poison tentacles of these invertebrates.
Clownfish in home aquariums
Among the many species called clownfish, each variation has some particularities, such as different colours, shapes, special patterns in the body.
When it comes to maintenance, the needs of all species commonly kept in home aquariums are very similar. These fish are considered great fish for people who are starting to take care of marine aquariums, as they are hardy and easy to care for. In addition to being extremely interesting to watch, with their differentiated swimming and bright colours.
Another interesting point is that the Clownfish does not need a very large aquarium, unlike most marine fish. Even when they are in a large tank, they tend to settle in a small part of the aquarium and turn that small area into their home, so it is a fish used a lot in nano reefs.
“Designer” Clownfish
There are several colour patterns and also hybrid species of these fish. These animals were formed by several breeders, who, through crossing and selection processes, manage to arrive at a result of specific colours and patterns.
These clownfish have morphological characteristics that are far from those found in wild fish. They are the result of genetic improvement via artificial selection. Despite having different characteristics, these fish have identical requirements for maintenance in aquariums as other clown fish. Because they are fish kept and bred for years in aquariums, the designers' ones quickly adapt to different water parameters. They are highly resistant to disease and even water quality. It's a perfect choice for beginner aquarists as these fish are more forgiving than their wild relatives.
'Designer' Clownfish types
Numerous types of clownfish are selected for aquariums, and more varieties are made daily. Among the many, we will cite some commonly found in different aquarium stores.
The Picasso Clownfish is one of the most desired clownfish, and it is a variety created from A. ocellaris.
It presents a continuous white spot in the middle of the body; between the bands. Each individual demonstrates a unique pattern in their body.
The Platinum clownfish is a colouring variety of the clownfish A. percula. One of the most exotic clownfish, it is all white and has no stripes. This is a beautiful example of a variety created through years of dedication by many enthusiasts worldwide in creating clowns.
This clown fish, known as Ocellaris Black, is a variety of the common A. ocellaris. Through crosses and selections, the breeders isolated the black colour. Its intense black colour is interrupted by white bands, which makes it one of the most desired clowns.
The Storm Clownfish is a uniquely designed clownfish. Derived from Amphiprion ocellaris, this variety displays a pattern of mixed colours, with a white face and black eyes. Its body exhibits a lot of silvery white presence on its body. This variety is also available in Black Storm, with an unmistakable black-and-white pattern. This pattern can appear in different forms, producing completely unique fish.
There are numerous varieties of these fish. Altogether they are easy to care for, resistant fish that feed well on commercial rations. Of peaceful temperament, it gets along very well with tank mates of different sizes. It reaches a maximum of 4 inches and is an excellent fish for beginners.
The varieties bred by selection are perfect to be kept by beginners, as they are already used to living in aquariums for generations.