One of the joys of keeping marine aquariums is watching the entrancing vivid colours and patterns of the fish. There are a huge variety of fish to choose from, but it’s important not to simply pick them at random, or purely on the basis of their colourings and markings.

Some fish are naturally more aggressive and predatory than others, and don’t mix well with other species. If you are new to fishkeeping, or simply want to maintain a peaceful tank, here are some of the best saltwater fish to buy.



This is where most new marine fish keepers start, because they are hardy and adaptable, and easy to look after. They are available in a number of varieties and colour markings, although they are often orange with white bands, or vice versa.


Royal Grammas

These small colourful guys are known to be very peaceful, although they may be aggressive with their own kind, so it’s best to just add one to your tank. They have distinctive purple and yellow markings.



There’s a wide variety of wrasses, many of which are suitable for a peaceful marine tank. In particular, look out for fairy wrasse, flasher wrasse, and six-line wrasse. They like cover, so provide plenty of sheltering rocks in your tank.



The blenny is generally compatible with other types of fish, although they may be aggressive and territorial with their own kind, so it’s best to introduce them singly to the tank.



These small fish have interesting markings, and are safe to keep both with their own kind and with other species.


Butterfly fish

These fish are strikingly beautiful, with a diverse range of patterns and colours, making them a firm favourite for marine fish tanks. They are usually peaceful and can be safely added to a saltwater aquarium.

Bear in mind that all fish are naturally territorial creatures, and it is not always possible to predict how they will react when introduced to a new tank. It’s important not to overcrowd the space, and provide plenty of places for fish to take shelter, such as rocks and caves. Fish which have room to establish their own territory are most likely to be peaceful.

There are some fish varieties which are natural predators. Some predators are known as nippers, which means that they will nip or bite prey, regardless of size. Other types of predatory fish will eat prey in one gulp. Predatory fish can be kept together successfully, but never with more peaceful fish.

Always research any new livestock before adding it to your tank, whether it’s fish, corals, or critters. Sometimes varieties in behaviour will occur within the same species of fish. For example, some types of angelfish will thrive in a reef tank, but others will attack corals and other species.

If you do notice fish fighting, try rearranging the rocks and creating more sheltered spaces. Make sure there is adequate food available, and don’t overcrowd your tank.