Royal Pencil Wrasse



Currently unavailable in our shop but available from our supplier. Expected delivery Thu 20th Feb to Mon 03rd Mar (may vary)


We have recently begun shipping fish using our approved livestock courier, DX. Stock is updated online weekly. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.


This item is currently unavailable. Please check back regularly as our livestock stock changes regularly.

This cave dwelling wrasse is a relatively new addition to the aquarium hobby. It can be found all over tropical Pacific waters and is one of the most spectacularly colored wrasses in the family.

Multiple specimens can be kept together in larger, 200+ gallon tanks. Otherwise, one male per tank. The male is pictured above. Females are very rare to see in the hobby since most pencil wrasses females look very similar.

Royal Pencil Wrasse, Pseudojuloides severnsi, Marine Fish available at the best price to buy now at Kraken Corals & Aquatics
More Information
Product Code FISH-PENCIL
Brand Marine Fish
Drop Ship No
Latin Name Pseudojuloides severnsi
Tank Size Medium
Temperament Semi Aggressive
Reef Safe Reef Safe
Care Level Moderate