Convict Tang



Currently unavailable in our shop but available from our supplier. Expected delivery Thu 20th Feb to Mon 03rd Mar (may vary)


We have recently begun shipping fish using our approved livestock courier, DX. Stock is updated online weekly. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.


This item is currently unavailable. Please check back regularly as our livestock stock changes regularly.

The Convict Tang, also known as the Convict Surgeonfish, has a stunning white to silver body highlighted by six vertical black bars. The peduncle spines (near the tail) are rather small compared to that of other Tangs.

A great addition to the reef or fish only aquarium. It requires a large area in which to swim - at least a 125 gallon aquarium. It should not be included in a tank with other species of Tangs, since they will harass it. It will live peacefully with other Convict Tangs if all are introduced to the tank at the same time.

Convict Tang, Acanthurus tripstegus, Marine Fish available at the best price to buy now at Kraken Corals & Aquatics
More Information
Brand Marine Fish
Drop Ship No
Origin Indonesia
Latin Name Acanthurus tripstegus
Tank Size Large
Temperament Aggressive
Reef Safe Reef Safe
Care Level Moderate