Black Anglerfish



Currently unavailable in our shop but available from our supplier. Expected delivery Thu 30th Jan to Mon 10th Feb (may vary)


We have recently begun shipping fish using our approved livestock courier, DX. Stock is updated online weekly. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.


This item is currently unavailable. Please check back regularly as our livestock stock changes regularly.

The Black Anglers are jet black in color, with several white markings covering parts of the body, such as the fins. They can change the tone of their coloration to blend with the surrounding environment over time. They require large amounts of live rock in a 30-gallon or larger aquarium. These fish are very inactive, but make sure to provide a suitable sized aquarium for them as they grow to full size. A 30-gallon aquarium is sufficient for a fully-grown specimen.

When first introduced into the aquarium, live saltwater feeder shrimp should be used to entice this fish to eat. An angler may eat any small inhabitant of the aquarium (crustacean or fish) that is lured into its mouth with the use of an esca (modified first dorsal spine) that looks like a small, tasty fish. In fact, these fish can even swallow prey their own size! It will accept most meaty meals including feeder fish.

Black Anglerfish, Marine Fish available at the best price to buy now at Kraken Corals & Aquatics
More Information
Brand Marine Fish
Drop Ship No
Origin Indonesia