Longhorn Cowfish- small



Currently unavailable in our shop but available from our supplier. Expected delivery Thu 19th Sep to Mon 30th Sep (may vary)


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The Longhorn Cowfish inhabit the reefs of the Indo-Pacific, usually in the less turbid waters. The body is tan to yellow and covered with white and blue dots, and is occasionally referred to as the Yellow Boxfish; however, the Longhorn is not to be confused with Ostracion cubicus, commonly called the Yellow or Polka Dot Boxfish.

In the wild, it is not uncommon to see a 20" specimen, while in the aquarium the Longhorn Cowfish tends to be dramatically smaller - 16" or less. When possible, the Longhorn Cowfish should be the first fish introduced in the tank. It is intolerant of other Longhorns, so keep it in a large tank, with some live rock for algae scraping. Use caution if placing the Cowfish Longhorn in a reef tank as it may nibble on tubeworms. When housed correctly, the Cowfish Longhorn is long-lived. Similar to other boxfish, the Cowfish Longhorn's skin is poisonous and, when threatened, it will release a toxin lethal to other tank members, including other Longhorns. Since they are omnivores, the Longhorn Cowfish should be offered a variety of meaty and vegetable foods. They are slow eaters, and should not be housed with aggressive eaters.

Longhorn Cowfish- small, Lactoria cornuta, Marine Fish available at the best price to buy now at Kraken Corals & Aquatics
More Information
Brand Marine Fish
Drop Ship No
Latin Name Lactoria cornuta
Tank Size X-Large
Temperament Peaceful
Reef Safe With Caution
Care Level Difficult

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