Wartskin Angler Fish



Currently unavailable in our shop but available from our supplier. Expected delivery Tue 28th Jan to Thu 06th Feb (may vary)


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Also referred to as the Warty Frogfish or Wartskin Frogfish, the Wartskin Angler is aptly named, looking more like a rock or piece of coral. The Wartskin's colors can vary widely, from browns to reds, yellows to purples and white. It also has the chameleonic ability of changing color to blend with its surroundings.

A good reef dweller, the Wartskin enjoys perching on coral ledges and requires a tank of at least 20 gallons. The Wartskin Angler is a hardy aquarium member but not recommended for beginners. The Wartskin feeds by ambush, lying in wait for an unsuspecting fish or crustacean to go by and then lunging forward, grabbing and swallowing the victim whole.

The Wartskin has been known to devour fish nearly equal to its own size. When first introduced into the aquarium, live saltwater feeder shrimp should be used to entice this fish to eat. The Wartskin Angler should be given feeder fish and shrimp, but do not overfeed as the Wartskin may stop feeding.

Wartskin Angler Fish, Antennarius maculatus, Marine Fish available at the best price to buy now at Kraken Corals & Aquatics
More Information
Product Code FISH-ANGLER
Brand Marine Fish
Drop Ship No
Origin Indonesia
Latin Name Antennarius maculatus
Tank Size Small
Temperament Peaceful
Reef Safe With Caution
Care Level Moderate

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