Deciding what to put in your aquarium is a lot of fun and chances are that you’ll be attracted to sea anemones, as they’re incredibly beautiful and very brightly coloured - so make a great addition to any fish tank.

However, you need to make sure you’ve done your research and are as prepared as you possibly can be, as it can be tricky to keep your anemones happy - a lot trickier than it can be for fish.

The conditions in your tank have to be right or your anemones will suffer and the exact requirements will vary depending on the kind of anemone you go for. Popular varieties include bulb, adhesive, beaded and corkscrew, so this could be a good place to begin in your search for the right anemones for you.

Regardless of the kind of anemone you do go for, however, you do need to make sure that your water quality in the tank is as high as it can be. Make sure the water remains clean and free from any debris, ensuring high levels of dissolved oxygen and a pH between 8.1 and 8.3.

Monitor the levels of phosphate, ammonia and nitrate, and keep them all as close to zero as you can. You also need to make sure that you have water movement and flow in the tank, since anemones absorb oxygen from the water itself.

Also make sure that you don’t just start throwing anemones into the tank before the water has time to properly mature. It can take a couple of weeks for the nitrogen cycle to establish itself but it may take a year or more for the tank to be mature and for the aquarium residents to have adapted to their environment.

Looking for anemone for sale? See what we have in stock here at Kraken Corals.